Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. G. Ulrich Exner

FMH Orthopädische Chirurgie

und Traumatologie


Centrally in my work is the evaluation of tumors and tumor-like lesions of the musculoskeletal organs (bones, joints and soft tissue) and their treatment.
The diagnostics are performed in close collaboration with other specialists (Radiologists, Pathologists, Oncologists, Radio-Oncologists etc.) – if needed on an international basis.

It is important to be involved from the beginning as errors at the occasion of the biopsy are frequent and may negatively influence the treatment result.

The surgical treatment is based on the most recent advances and techniques with spezial emphasis on biologic reconstructions. Surgery often is performed in a team with other specialists depending on the individual requirements.

Posttraumatic defects and those following infections or with inborn malformations frequently present similar challenges as tumors; we also specialise in the treatment of these problems.